A few months ago we finished the Research Report of the Safe4all project, which you can download here. This document contains information about regulations and good practices related to inclusive vocational training for workers with disabilities.
After that, we began to develop the Workbook for the Inclusive Vocational Training on Safety & Health in workplace for workers with disabilities. This material has been developed from the information, findings and good practices that were obtained in the previous field research. In addition, to ensure the quality, reliability and usefulness of its content, we tested it with a number of experts in occupational safety and risk prevention.
During the month of April, each partner met, either in person or online, with an expert in this field from their country. During these interviews, a brainstorming exercise on the manual and its content was carried out.
After the interviews, a SWOT analysis was performed, which allowed us to detect the weaknesses and strengths of our manual, so that we could correct the first ones and improve the whole document in general. Generally speaking, this brainstorming meeting allowed us to identify the correct modules that the workbook should have so that the result’s quality and usefulness could be guaranteed.
And what’s next? We’re currently on the next step of the first result of the project: we’re testing the workbook with pilot training. We’re focusing not only on the content itself but also on the accessibility of the materials.
Follow us on social media, because soon we will release the final document!!