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About The Project

What’s Safe4All

Safe4All aims at contributing to promote a decent quality of life and to live independently as it focuses notably on inclusion, social protection and non-discrimination at work. This project will also enhance equal participation, as it aims to effectively protect persons with disabilities from any form of discrimination and violence, to ensure equal opportunities in and access to justice, education, culture, sport and tourism, and to all health services.

Objectives of the project

General objective

The General Objective (GO) of Safe4All is to contribute to create the suitable and safe environment for labour inclusion of people with disabilities, PWDs.

Specific objectives

  1. SO1: To enhance knowledge, competences and skills of educators or trainers that work with PWDs supporting their social and labour inclusion and tools to evaluate their competences
  2. SO2: To enhance awareness on SMEs regarding safety and health of PWDs at work.
  3. SO3: To promote knowledge, competences and skills of PWDs to work in safe conditions and tools to evaluate their competences.
  4. SO4: To foster networking and collaboration among different actors for the improving of training and support practices of workers with disabilities in work.


  1. Handbook for the Inclusive Vocational Training on Safety & Health in workplace for workers with disabilities. This document is an accessible handbook for the training direct to workers with disabilities and PWDs in general to enhance their security and health at work. On the basis of already existing guidelines (EU OSHA) for the common trainings on safety in different sectors will be elaborated general guidelines on how to define contents that should be included in a training course.

  2. Toolkit: Training for Trainers for Safety & Health in workplace of PWDs. The R2 is aimed to upskill and re-skill 2 kind of trainers: experts in safety at work and experts in training of PWDs. Project partners will implement the pilot of the training for trainers (one in each country). Leader partner coordinates all activities, collects individual results and prepares the final R2 product.

  3. Recommendations for policy makers on how to improve Safety & Health in workplace of PWDs through training regulation. The R3 is aiming at make policy makers aware of the importance of the creation of a new and more inclusive legal framework to take into account the safety at work for people with disabilities. This proposal will adopt the Design thinking Methodology that will be used to co-create the policies recommendations according to an integrated and intersectoral approach.